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BERT Update in Google Search

Inclusion of BERT algorithm is the most major search update for Google in the past 5 years. It is considered as the biggest step in the history of search ever. Although Google hasn’t cleared that what is the targeting factor for BERT and how much it can influence the SEO scene.

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According to Google, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers) will help it to better understand the intentions behind what users search for, which means more accurate and relevant results. Let’s see what this new update is all about and how it will be beneficial for users.

On 21 October, 2019 BERT started rolling out in Google’s search system. Including featured snippets it is only available for English language search queries for now. It will start to implement on all languages later, said American Journalist Danny Sullivan.

What is BERT Update

The simple explanation for using BERT can be, it will help Google in better recognizing the context of words in a search query. To easily understand this in the phrases ‘6 to 10’ and ‘a quarter to seven,’ the word ‘to’ has two different meanings. In an obvious way humans can understand this but not search engines. So basically BERT can clarify between such differences to provide more accurate results. Google estimated that it will impact 10% of all search queries which is a very huge number.

BERT ability is to train languages model based on the full set of words in a sentence rather than the traditional way of training on the sequence of words. It helps in learning language model according to surrounding words and not only the words which come before in the order. Google has shown some examples for better understanding the affection of BERT on search queries.

In a search ‘math practice books for adults’ shows listings for books of Grades 6 to 8 earlier in the top results. With the new update of BERT search results shows listings of books ‘math for grownups’ at the top of the organic results. Including the featured snippet, result of books for grades 6 to 8 is still ranking but the books which are specified for the adults are ranking on top of it.

By applying BERT, Google is able to do much better work in helping users to find relevant and useful information accurately. The featured snippets are also affected a lot to give more relevant and on the point searches. “The fundamentals of us seeking to reward great content remain unchanged,” said Sullivan.

Google stated that one should focus their main attention on writing content relevant to the users. And to increase its recognition, it is also important to digitally increase its reach. With the help of a good Digital Marketing Agency you can achieve this easily. The Digital Marketing Agency can optimize your content by analyzing and crating relevancy among what users are searching the most.

Without a question BERT is a quantum leap for the use of Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing. In the future, we can expect more fast and fine tuned practical applications. We tried to explain the main concepts of this new technology without going in to much technical details. But it will have given you a clear idea that what it’s all about and how fast the Artificial Intelligence is evolving. It will surely make our lives easier, but the long term results will be considered after the boom of this incredible man made brain.

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