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A complete guide on how to take your business online

A complete guide on how to take your business online

Online businesses are growing in demand especially after digital mediums like smartphones, data, and laptops have become affordable.

In 2020 alone, over 1.79 billion people made at least one purchase over the internet worldwide. This statistic comes as shocking because during the same year the world was going through a pandemic.

The growth in the online business is also very high, year on year the average growth of eCommerce sales is over 20%. According to NASDAQ, By the year 2040, almost 95% of all purchases will be online.

Now, these statistics are enough to entice you to start your own business but, starting your own business can be very challenging.

So, here in this guide, you’ll know step-by-step instructions on how to take your business online.

Make a Business Plan

Planning is the most important and time-consuming part as you have to consider a lot of things before starting your own business.

The very first thing you need to do is to find a niche market where you can sell your product. The basic rule of commerce is Demand=Supply, and you have to align your business in accordance.

Now, there are 100s of profitable niche markets but, you also have to introspect and filter down to one or two niches that interest you.

Also, as an entrepreneur, you must have a future projection of that market already figured out so that you can plan well ahead of your competitors.

All this required thorough market research and guidance of a subject matter expert. If you have experience in this industry then it is a valuable asset.

Make sure your business plan also includes revenue streams and systems already defined as it helps you in raising funds as well as managing your finances later on.

Find a Suitable Name for your Business

Your brand name plays a very important role to provide your business with a unique identity. Make sure your name is unique and something that can attract customers.

With your name decided, you have to get a logo for the business and design branding of your business.  

All the branding elements must be in unison to ensure, you provide your customers with a long-lasting impression whenever they interact with your product.

Things like your brand logo, color, designs get stored in your customer mind and whenever they see your product again they instantly connect it with the previous experience they had with your product.

Register your Domain Name

You have to now register your Domain name and web hosting, to build your online business. Usually, the name of the business and domain name are the same, but, if you cannot find the domain name you like then you can choose a different TLD or different name altogether.

You have to keep domain name availability in mind before naming your business. You can register your domain name with a registrar like Nebula Infotech.

Visit our domain registration page and enter your desired domain name in the search box. You’ll find the availability of the domain name and the pricing listed.  

Develop and Deploy your website

Now, you have to build your website and make it online for your customers to access it. Website designing and User experience is very important part of branding your business.

You have to ensure your website is visually appealing to your customer to showcase your professionalism and create an appeal for your brand.

You can either design the website on your own or hire someone to do that, either way, you have to design the website such that it looks professional.

Nebula Infotech offers you website designing services at an affordable price. You’ll get a custom-made website along with an enhanced user experience design for your website.

Grow your Business with Marketing

Growing your business requires a constant effort on the marketing part. It is an extremely important part when it comes to business.

With every business turning online, you have to also compete with them for the customers. Digital marketing helps your business in growing your business.

Digital marketing is a promotion strategy where the brands connect with the potential customer using the internet and other digital communication methods like email, social media, etc.

Now, there are different elements when it comes to digital marketing like social media marketing, SEO, SMO, etc. You have to analyze where your majority of customers are coming from and work towards that medium to optimize that.

For example- If your website is ranking on a few keywords then you must work on your website SEO for better website performance.


Online businesses have tremendous potential to grow into the next big thing. Even the traditional businesses which are online are making good sales.

You can also use the opportunity to get your business online before your competitors do. If you plan your business and implement all the steps mentioned above correctly, you’ll have an amazing and thriving business that makes profits.

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