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How to Boost Your Landing Page Conversion Rate?

How to Boost Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

For running a successful Google ad campaign, you would need a landing page that has a good conversion rate. Google has a massive reach throughout the world and using this, you can reach your customers beyond borders.

Every business that is running an ad campaign may get a lot of traffic however, they might not be converting into your customers and are simply bouncing off.

This not only affects your biding budget but also negatively impacts your business operations and morale. There can be many reasons why your landing page is not converting a lot of leads but, as a marketer, you can always improve your landing page to reap maximum benefits.

The primary goal of a marketer is to put a visitor into a marketing funnel and step by step get them to buy your product or services and for this very reason, you would need a landing page.

The average landing page conversion rate is around 9.7% and anything higher than this is considered to be a very good conversion rate.

If you are scoring low with your conversion rate then you can follow this article thoroughly and find out how to boose the landing page conversion rate.

How to Boost Your Landing Page Conversion Rate?

You can boost your landing page conversion rate if you follow the below-mentioned 5 rules of landing page design.-

Improve your Landing Page Speed

When it comes to website load speed every milli-seconds matters and your Website should load fast so that your customer won’t bounce off from your website.

In 2019, Portent published research statistics related to Load speed. They concluded that when we compare a website with a 3-second load speed and a 5-second load speed, the 3-second website has 3 times more chances of converting a visitor into a customer.

As a marketer, you should aim for a window of 1-4 second load time which will provide you with the best conversion rate. you can deploy a variety of methods to do that like reducing unnecessary codes, images, javascript size, etc.  

Optimize your Call-to-Action (CTA)

Call-to-Action is the button using which your customer can either contact your or fill out the contact form. This is the most important element of a landing page.

You’ll have to strategically place the CTA button on your landing page where it can get clicks. There are some general rules which you’ll have to follow when it comes to the CTA button-

Showcase your Credibility

The visitors who land on your landing page are usually those who are not familiar with your business. They are first-time visitors hence, you’ll have to showcase your credibility by displaying your testimonials, user reviews, or influencer suggestions.

You can also add a video testimonial of your customers as well which is an even more powerful way to communicate to your visitors.

Mobile Friendly

Mobile-first approach is something every business is pursuing and there is a very good reason why. In 2019, around 61% of all Google searches were done using mobile devices.

The Mobile First approach is a design methodology using which you can develop a website keeping small screens like mobile on your mind.

This approach helps a designer to focus on the core functionality of the website and then work up towards the devices with bigger screens.

Less Text and More Visual

The landing page should have very less text elements and more visual or design elements to allure the visitor into clicking the CTA button.

If you try to engage the visitor by giving him or her long texts then you are not making things easy for him rather reading through text can be tough.

You’ll have to Make your landing page more attractive to the visitors and make it easy for them to go through the entire landing page.

With low text elements, you can avoid the user from bouncing off your website which will also reduce your bouncing rate.


If you follow these tips then you will see a huge change in your marketing campaign. These tips can help you increase your ad campaign performance and significantly increase your sales.

A landing page can be a great medium that can help you generate a  lot of leads and improve your business sales. Optimizing and testing the landing page can increase your chances of getting the best result.

Nebula Infotech is a Website designing company that helps business showcase their business in the best light. We provide all kinds of web-related services that any modern-day business needs like web hosting, domain registration, etc.

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