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Why USER EXPERIENCE (UX) is important for websites?


USER EXPERIENCE (UX) refers to user’s emotion and how he feels about the product, system or service he is using. It is a relationship between the machine and the human and the way they connect with each other. It is often confused with user interface (UI) even though they are part of web designing but is different. UX is a sweet spot between the information, user needs and business goals.

Every human is a different and he think differently, this variability brings lot of variation in how the product or service is consumed by the user. What is easy for you might be difficult for someone else. Web designer has to develop the website so that it is not complex and hard to use by even a rookie. There is a recipe for every perfect, greater and enhanced UX. The following are the five main ingredient of the UX.


A human brain is hard to decode. Brain is very complex with lot of personality types. So it is obvious that users might think differently. UXers have to think in every possible way to match everyone user needs. Sometimes they have to completely ignore their psychology which is tough sometimes.


Psychology is a knowing the subconscious thought process, usability is more of a conscious doing. This shows whether something is easy to use or they have to think hard for it.


Design is important when you are building a website. Design brings the best out of the information you want to provide as it helps to convey the message in best way possible. The structured data is always easy to read and understand.


Copywriting is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action to favor your business goal.


Data Analysis is very important as it give developer an Intel of whether certain design is working in the favor of the website or it is against it. Most developers under value the data output by user, but this is a necessary need for a website as it determines whether your website is providing the value to people or not.


‘Customers are the kings’ these words are stated by the Jeff bezos, C.E.O of Amazon and it’s indeed is the truth. User research is not a onetime process it is a continuous process which has to be conducted in a regular intervals because as the user passes time with the product his psychology changes and could find it’s boring that’s why after sometime companies redesign websites or logo to give itself a fresh look and feel of the product to their consumers and even a little change to the product design or they re-launch it with a better look and feel  of the brand. Check out a fresh and new website designing comany and get website redesigned. These changes affect psyche of a person and he see it as a new thing and become excited and the product becomes the new talk of the town increasing the brand awareness and brand reputation. But this has to be done very carefully if the quality of the product is compromised in any way then this can become a negative thing too by degrading the brand value.

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